Friday, June 10, 2011

Togena Tojo Una-Una Island

Togean Tojo Una Una Island is a tropical island at Central Sulawesi “Sulawesi Tengah”, Indonesia .Togean Tojo Una Una Island have beautiful sea ??and beaches, Togean is an unforgettable destination during a visit to Sulawesi. at Togean you will enjoy the fantastic scenery of the exotic underwater world, with different species of coral and crab, including crab walnut beautiful and rare.
Many things you can do on these islands, like basking in the warmth of the tropical sun, fishing, swimming, sailing and diving can be done at any time. The island is large and small, inhabited by wild boar and Tangkasi, along with the Bajo tribe settlements will increasingly complement the natural beauty of this place.

Daily activities of local fishermen and a row of houses along the coast also add to the beauty of the landscape Togean. Small islands are clean, white sandy beaches, a great location for tourists who enjoy the sun while enjoying the sunset.
The islands are covered with virgin forests, which has become a haven for the animals.interesting for those of you who want to vacation. Togean is the only place in Indonesia that three different reef environments in the same location.
Third Atoll Reef is now, and coral reef barrier beaches are all beautiful and a habitat for marine flora and fauna. Atoll is an island, or islands, reefs that surround the lagoon. A barrier is a row of coral reefs around the island resembles a fortress or the sea wall, which “protect” the islands of the sea wave loading. Coral is high, walking distance of 200 meters above sea level.
In the group of islands island Batudaka Husband and easily reach the largest island in the archipelago Togean. ”On this island there are two village Bomba and Wakai. Bomba is a residential area at the northwestern tip Togean Islands. But the most important tourist destination Kadidiri Island, near Wakai.
A few miles inland there are waterfalls. Tourists can enjoy a trip to the waterfall through the villages in this region. Kadidiri Island, which is not far from Wakai, is the main spot for tourists visiting the islands Togean. The island is the most popular among tourists for a very good beach with great snorkeling and diving sites. There are also plenty of cheap housing available, and the west coast canary crabs can be found under the cliffs.

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Supported by : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |

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