Friday, June 10, 2011

Randai Dance

Randai are children playing in the Minangkabau Nagari, which is a traditional art that is very special. Games randai do with motion in a circle, then walked slowly small, whiledelivering the story through song of a switch-substitute. Stories randai usually taken from the reality of life in the community. Generally randai story of human nature is goodcontrast with the bad.
Conflict in randai often spiced by a brawl. These fights are not meant to show who isstronger, but saw a struggle in upholding the truth. In this case, martial arts became an important element. In the basic form of the game randai can be described as follows: Before the players enter the field usually begins with musical sounds. Furthermore, players enter the arena to circle formation. Accompany the formation of this commandand the rhythm of the music that resonates to the next song chanting. In the game randai, before singing the first player to make martial arts movements with step back and forth, to the zoom ring and zoom ring out again.

Sometimes the berpencak they kicked, hit, or rnemukul by hand. After that they walkwhile singing. All randai movement led by the command of one of them. This person is called janang. First to sing a poem or story sebait. In the last sentence. They repeat the mass. Exhausted to sing a piece of the story or some poetry, they are back doingmartial arts movements. Finished singing the story of a scene , they sit in lingkarannyameronggoh to rest. To fill a variety of events displayed keterampitan break into thecircle. These skills can be a martial art, dancing, and a variety of other games.

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Supported by : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |

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