Thursday, March 10, 2011

Shocked Island Nature Reserve

Shocked Island is one of the attractions are located in forest areas in Barito Kuala District. This is a delta island near the mouth of the Barito river. This island is a habitat for the Long-nosed Monkey Large or by local residents called the Dutch or the Proboscis Monkey Apes (Nasalis Larvatus) because the long nose, red face and belly fat. In this place we live a few species of birds. Since 1976, the island area of 85 hectares is designated as a nature reserve based on the Decree. Minister of Agriculture. 788/Kptsum11/1976.

In 1990, the South Kalimantan provincial government set the proboscis monkey as a mascot or animal species identity based on the SK provincial Head of the Provincial Governor of South Kalimantan No. 29, dated January 16, 1990 and approved by the regional House of Representatives of South Kalimantan, as outlined in the approval of Parliament No. 162/112/DPRD, March 28, 1990.

By maketh proboscis monkey as a mascot area of South Kalimantan, the island habitat of Proboscis Monkey Shocked as well have strategic value as a symbol of the region as well as tourist attractions. Because the habitat of protected animals and became a symbol of the region, the Island Nature Reserve surprised to be one of nature tourism destination not only from the South and other regions in Indonesia but also foreign countries.

But unfortunately, illegal logging and environmental pollution caused by natural conditions of the island is quite critical. One type of tree is a tree of increasingly critical condition Rambai Rice (Sonneratia caseolaris) which is a source of food for the Proboscis Monkey, causing the number of these animals are getting less.

The protection of these animals (proboscis monkey) diatuir in legislation, namely: Wild Animals Protection Regulation No. 266 In 1931, Law no. 5, 1990, Ministry of Forestry Decree No. 301/Kpts-II/1991, Ministry of Forestry Decree No. 882/Kpts-II/1992, and PP. 7 / 1999. Internationally, this species is considered vulnerable in the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) Red Data Book and included in Appendix I of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna).

Visitors who enter the area of this island, especially the first visit, be surprised or would embrace her friend when suddenly a voice from the grove of trees "nguuuk .... Nguuuuk, nguuuuuuk ...." From the monkeys by the hundreds. This shock will menyebababkan the visitors will always be remembered that there Proboscis Monkey Island Shocked. In addition, visitors will also be more fascinated watching agility famous animals are shy and only on Borneo island is jumping for joy from one tree to another.

To his dismay to the island can be reached from the city of Banjarmasin by using a speed boat which took about 15 minutes or about 1.5 hours by using kelotok.

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Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |

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