Monday, March 7, 2011

Understand Baduy's Rules

In addition to physical preparation if you want to stay at the Baduy's village, we also must be ready to respect and comply with customs regulations in force in the area of indigenous Baduy community. At the very least comply with the regulations made Jaro (Village Head) Kanekes, Dainah, for immigrants who will enter its territory.

The rules for immigrants, among others, the prohibition to bring a tape or radio, do not bring a guitar, does not carry an air rifle, not capturing or killing animals, no littering, no cutting of trees, do not leave a fire in the forest, do not consume intoxicating beverages, and does not violate the norms decency.

Especially for foreigners, forbidden to enter the territory Baduy whose citizens are always dressed in white, ie, region-Cikartawana Cibep Kampung-Cikeusik. Foreigners are only allowed entrance to the Outer Baduy territory whose citizens are always dressed in black.

Meanwhile, in Kawalu (harvest period of three months in a row in February to April), Baduy completely closed to all outsiders. However, for visitors in the month Kawalu can still be met with Baduy citizens in the time out of their village.

Traditional Baduy very limited touch with the modern world, especially in electricity, and other electronic equipment also forced the visitors who will stay have to complete the equipment is relatively a lot, especially to bring a flashlight to make it easier when the toilet at night.

Jacket enough help to ward off the chill in the Bedouin village which has a height above 500 meters above sea level. Sleeping bags were not hurt were brought in to help warm the body when sleeping at night.

Very cold night in Baduy. The cold was so piercing the bone because the Baduy residents sleep on the floor of the stage, not on a couch. Wind gusts felt not only from above, but also from under the houses on stilts. coming from between the walls of bamboo. When coming to a Baduy in the rainy season, visitors should use appropriate footwear worn at the ground slippery and muddy. Shoes or sandals are recommended to use the mountain because the soles have been designed to be able to "grip" when the footing so it is not easy to slip, especially on the road uphill.

Do not forget also a jacket or raincoat and hood waterproof bag for protecting luggage so as not to wet. Oil antinyamuk please also brought to repel insects, especially when we want to take a walk in the woods or fields Baduy.

If we stay at the Baduy village outside, we can use soap or shampoo when bathing. In Baduy both objects were used abstinence. Personal medicines should be taken, especially because in the Baduy village there is no clinic or pharmacy. So, when it's ready to go to a Baduy area, be sure to resolve all matters in the city first because it will be difficult to get a mobile phone signal.

Source : Kompas Post

Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |

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