Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cangkuang Temple

Cangkuang area is a tourist attraction in the form of lakes, Kampung Pulo with home cultures, and a temple on an "island" in the middle of the lake. The island is actually similar to a peninsula that juts eastward into the middle of the lake. To reach this location can be reached by four-wheel vehicles. From the highway Nagrek-Garut, at a distance of about 9 km from the intersection Nagrek-Garut, Tasik, that led to the town of Garut, on arrival in Leles before the square and then turned left toward the village of Kampung Cangkuang and Ciakar. From this fork travel can proceed with four-wheel vehicles, motorcycles, wagon, or on foot as far as 3 km.

Arriving in the village of Cangkuang, to reach the location of attractions located in the middle "island" can be reached by motorized two-wheeled vehicle (motorcycle taxi) or walk through a rice field. From Kampung Ciakar is located 1.25 km. from Cangkuang Village, the trip can proceed towards tourism with bamboo raft ride across the lake. Cangkuang Temple is located on an "island" of small elongated, stretching west-east direction with a size of 16.5 hectares. This small island located in the middle of a lake known as Situ Cangkuang. In this lake than there is a long island, there are also two other islands located in the south and southeast of Long Island. Both these islands are smaller and slightly rounded shape. All around this small island is a watery swamp land.

Temple Building Cangkuang that can now be seen is the building reconstructed in the 1970s. Based on the results of research conducted in 1967/1968 the number of stone temples found in only 35%. The number was actually insufficient to rebuild a building that had collapsed. The building is founded on a small hill (+ 670 meters above sea level) in the middle of the island that the locals called by the name of Long Island or Island Gede. Small hill which is the island height of about 10 meters from the surface of the lake water. The temple building stands on a square pedestal with size 4.70 x 4.70 meters and a height of 30 cm. Foot-profile buildings with names padma seam, seam kumuda, and have square seam square floor plan with size 4.50 x 4.50 meters and 1.37 meters high. On the north side of the building there is viewer places the foot of the ascent of a length (east bay) 1.50 meters and 1.26 meters wide. Body building square diagram with size 4.22 x 4.22 meters and 2.49 meters high. On the north side of building body there is the entrance the viewer with a length (east bay) 0.52 meters and 1.10 meters wide. At the entrance the viewer have a high measuring 1.56 meters and 0.60 meters wide.

The roof of the building consists of two levels. The first level berdenah square with size 3.80 x 3.80 meters and 1.56 meters high. On the sides there are decorations of the number 8 summit, and at the top of the roof of the first level also there are 8 summit fruit garnish. At the second level diagram roof measuring 2.74 x 2.74 meters and 1.10 meters high, also there are 8 summit fruit garnish. Decoration on the roof of the second summit, measuring 0.58 meters high. Garnish main peak is located in the middle and top of the roof measuring 1.33 meters high. Entire buildings ranging from pedestal to the top of the roof has a height 8.5 meters. The interior of the building there is a room measuring 2.18 x 2.24 meters and 2.55 meters high. On the floor of the center there is a hole that berdenah square with size 0.40 x 0.40 meters. more than 5 meters deep and filled with sand that serves as a stabilizer. Above the hole is placed a statue of Hindu whose condition has been damaged.

Statue that was discovered in the 1800s depicted sitting cross-legged on a lotus cushion. His left leg bent with feet flat directed to the inner right thigh. Her right leg toward the bottom with their feet located on pedestal.? At the front of the left foot there is the head of a cow (Nandi) with two ears pointing forward.? Arca with such characteristics is a statue of Shiva. Looking at its shape, temples Cangkuang can be compared with the group in Gedongsongo temple (Temple II) and Dieng (Temple Puntadewa). Profile shape of the foot, body, and the roof have in common. Similarly, the entry door has a viewer. The roof consists of three levels and each level there are tree top ornament and decoration? antefix. If the building of the temple in Central Java have antefix ornaments carved with vine leaf decoration, the decoration on the Temple Cangkuang antefix its plain. Another decoration at the entrance of the temple in Central Java is kala and makara decoration, the decoration on the temple Cangkuang does not exist. Based on this comparison, it can be presumed that the temple was built in approximately Cangkuang century AD 8-9. Cangkuang Temple is one of the holy building constructed in accordance with the concept of ideal spatial Hinduism. This temple is likened to Mount Meru which stands majestically in the middle of the ocean that is surrounded by a chain of mountains. Surrounding air is cool because it is located in the highlands. That is why the Government of Garut district make this region as an object of cultural tourism and nature tourism.

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Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |

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