Location Bonebone about 80 kilometers from the capital Enrekang. Transportation routes to get there has not been smooth. Only motorcycles and cars double axle that could reach the village below the peak of Mount Latimojong.
However, natural conditions along the way that leads Bonebone very beautiful. Paddy field and mountain cluster is like a soothing view of green carpet. Most of the people there are farmers. Bonebone Initially only one hamlet in the village of Pepandingan. However, as the development of the population, residents are determined to form a separate administrative region. Therefore, the hamlet is divided into villages. At first glance, the villagers were no different from residents of other villages in South Sulawesi. Unusual, they have a unique tradition. Because, the village has a population of 791 souls is very concerned about the environment. Residents who will be married at least five are required to plant a tree trunk.
In addition, residents Bonebone not accept products from outside the feared carry diseases. For example, broiler chicken and eggs are worried about carrying bird flu. However, most make it to the attention of the village is all the villagers there agreed not to smoke cigarettes. The phenomenon that makes Enrekang unique award categories at the bestowal Autonomy Award held daily Dawn (Java Post Group), The Dawn Institute of Pro-Autonomy.
The smoking ban is not set in writing. There is also no regulation or perdes village. All only a verbal agreement among fellow villagers.
Even so, the oral agreement was very powerful and highly respected traditional leaders, community leaders, as well as common citizens. Smoking Rules''that we run since 2000,''said the village chief Idris Bonebone Drs. The idea makes Bonebone as smoke-free village started thinking Idris. At that time, he was appointed head of Hamlet Bonebone. Idris claimed to catapult the idea because the condition of the villagers concerned to see that''enslaved''cigarettes. ''At that time, the average villager smoking since childhood. In fact, grade 2 primary school pupils had been smoking. Parents do not forbid them by reason of the condition of the village is cold and is suitable for smoking,''he said.
Ironically, he said, the children Bonebone difficult to continue their education at school, let alone college, citing cost limitations. Kan''weird. They were able to buy cigarettes every day, but do not have the money to send their children,''he said.
In 1998, Hanaki, women Bonebone citizen, was sentenced to a doctor suffering from lung cancer due to smoking. The moment Idris used to gather community leaders and traditional leaders to initiate rural village smoke-free. ''The main reason that I convey to public figures, in addition to causing disease, smoking makes getting poorer and rural communities they are not forward-forward. I am grateful to the idea that a positive response by community leaders,''he said.
The next day, all traditional leaders who attended the meeting that night to socialize such agreements directly to the whole village. They also announced through the mosques.
Originally, the deal was contested citizens, especially youth and cigarette kiosk owner. However, the deal slowly began to be accepted. ''In 2001, the deal was coming to fruition. Economics society began to move forward. School children can began to buy books, even started a lot of lectures. Medical residents also improved,''he explained.
Since 2001, all citizens Bonebone implement these agreements Smoking Rooms. In fact, guests were subjected to the rules. Guests wishing to smoke must go outside the village first and only able to return after spending his cigarette. ''In any case, there is no place for smokers in here,''Haris firm, one of his teachers at SDN 159 Bonebone.
Asked is there any sanctions for the people who was caught smoking a cigarette, Haris stated no. In fact, a billboard at the gate of the village large enough communicate with the language of polite:''Enjoy the Beautiful Scenery and Fresh Air Hamlet Us. Thank You Not Smoking in the Territory Bonebone.''''Even so, the community has been considered taboo to smoke,''said Idris.
Interestingly, Regent Enrekang now, La La Tunrung Tinro, before it was known as a smoker. Therefore, when appearing at the Hotel Sahid Makassar, June 1, to accept the award because there Autonomy villages in his district who apply without a smoking area, some colleagues whispering. ''No, I've quit smoking,''he said when off the stage and then smiled.
Quoted from : http://www.jambi-independent.co.id/jio/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9373:desa-bonebone-kampung-berhawa-dingin-yang-bebas-asap-tembakau&catid=25:nasional&Itemid=29
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