Friday, February 25, 2011

Buntu Barana Fortress

TORAJA people also ever fight against Dutch colonialism. Therefore, they created a fortress called Buntu Barana Fortress. This fortress looks elegant and robust. Appear from it construction describe a good defensive model at the time. This fortress was established in 18th century.

Location of Object
Buntu Barana fortress located at Takala, about four kilometers north of Rantepao Town.

Buntu Barana fortress built by Sia Ne 'Salu with his wife Ta'bi. Representatives community from Tobarani such as Tondon, Kesu, Madandan, Balepe, Pangala, and several other villages participated to strengthen the defense in this fortress in an anti aggression mission.

Buntu Barana fortress consists of 3 parts, namely Batu Pa'patulelean Fortress which is located on the south side, Mangunda'pa Fortress which is slightly lower than the order of the fort, and Buntu Barana Fortress which is located on the top position. They formed an integrated defense system.

The war against the Dutch colonization at these locations was led by the two leaders called Tanga Layuk and Sitto.

In the location where Buntu Barana Fortress stands, you also can see the very beautiful panoramic view to some corners, such as face to Bori, Tallunglipu, and Rantepao Town.

Buntu Barana fortress can be accessed from Rantepao and Makale Town with private vehicles or hotel transport facilities.

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