The entry Opu Manambon Daeng and his wife Princess Kesumba to Mempawah, intended to receive power from Panembahan Kesumba Princess Princess Mirror to the title Queen of Great Sinuhun with her husband, which further Opu Daeng Manambon titled Prince Mas Surya State as an officer in the Royal Bangkule Rajangk king.
Daeng Opu Manambon sailing from the Kingdom of Matan Sukadana (Ketapang) accompanied by about 40 boats. When you sign in Muara Kuala Mempawah, the delegation was greeted with joy by the people Mempawah. Reception was done by placing a variety of colorful paper and cloth in people's homes are located on the riverbank. In fact, some residents also welcome the entry into River Opu Daeng Manambon Mempawah using a canoe.
Moved by seeing people welcome Mempawah quite festive, Opu Daeng Manambon also provide lunch to people who are on the edge of the river to be enjoyed them as well. Since his arrival coincided with the last Sunday in Syafar, then the group took off at Kuala Mempawah. Next Opu Manambon Daeng which is a descendant of the Kingdom of Luwu South Sulawesi, to pray together with people who greeted him, ask God for salvation to be kept away from the plague and misfortune. After doing the prayer, followed by eating together. The procession was then used as a main early days Robo-robo, which routinely done every year Mempawah citizens, by eating outside the home with relatives and neighbors.
For some communities in several regions in Indonesia, the month of Safar is believed to be unlucky and the unlucky month. The Creator is believed to reduce the variety of plagues in the month of Safar. Therefore, people who believe it will hold a special ritual to avoid the "wrath" month of Safar. Ritual is also intended as an homage to ancestral spirits.
However, different views on the views of the city that considers Mempawah Safar month as "month of blessing" and always look forward to his arrival. Since the month of Safar important event took place a very great significance for the community Mempawah City today. The important events and celebrated by holding a Ritual Robo-robo.
Robo-called robo because ritual is held every last Wednesday according to the lunar Hijri month of Safar. A main purpose of this ritual is to commemorate the arrival and / or trail travel Opu Daeng Menambon the title Prince of the Empire State Surya Mas Matan, Martapura, Ketapang, to the Kingdom Mempawah, Pontianak Regency, in 1737 M/1448 H
Opu Menambon Daeng Daeng Opu is the third son of the famous Rilekke as reliable and avid sailor to travel to various regions in the archipelago together with his children. Daeng Opu Rilekke itself is the third son of the Sultan of the Sultanate of La Madusalat Luwuk, Bone, South Sulawesi, which has become the Islamic Sultanate since 1398 AD Opu Menambon Daeng and his family moved from Empire to the Kingdom Matan Panembahan Senggauk Mempawah upon request, King Mempawah time. After Panembahan Senggauk died, Opu Daeng Menambon ascended the throne. He ruled there for about 26 years, from 1740 AD until his death in 1766 AD
A. Feature
As a cultural event, Ritual robo Robo-laden with symbols that contain the values of historical and cultural. Ritual Robo-robo is coming Opu trail Daeng Menambon Matan and his Disciples of the Kingdom to the Kingdom Mempawah allegedly using 40 Boat Bidar. Arrival Opu Menambon Daeng and his followers became forerunner of entry and spread of Islam to the City Mempawah. Slowly, the Islamisation process ensued, culminating in the transfer of the kingdom of Hindu Mempawah originally figured into the kingdom of Islam.
Call to prayer and the reading of prayers made by Indigenous Stakeholder Amantubillah Palace prior to the commencement of a waste Rituals signify that the ritual procession robo Robo-there are also religious values. The offering consisted of yellow rice, parched, and incense were loaded with specific meanings. Yellow and parched rice symbolizes the prosperity and welfare, while incense meaning blessing. In the ritual of a waste not merely respect and recognition of the existence of rivers and the sea as a source of livelihoods, but also implied a desire to live in harmony with the natural surroundings.
This ritual usually begins after midday prayers, in which the king's palace and his top brass Amantubillah court departed from the village of Castle use the Yellow and Lancang Boat Boat Bidar. Lancang Kuning boats specifically used by the king, while Boat Bidar intended for palace officials. They will sail for an hour toward the mouth of the Kuala / Mempawah River located in the village of Kuala Mempawah, Pontianak District, West Kalimantan Province. Arriving at the mouth of the River Mempawah, a Stakeholder courtiers who served Indigenous and read the prayer call to prayer echoes reinforcements talaq (divorce custody). Then proceed with the ritual of a waste, that is throwing offerings into the River Mempawah. After that, the king and his palace officials close to the banks of the River Mempawah to get ready implement Saprahan Eat on the front page Amantubillah Palace. The picture above is part of a series of ritual procession Robo-robo.
Togetherness and friendship among different elements of society are the other values contained in the ritual procession Robo-robo. This, for example, look at the activities of Eating Saprahan. Eating Saprahan are eating together in the front yard Palace Amantubillah use tray or trays. Each tray / trays (saprah) containing rice and side dishes are usually intended for four or five people. In Eating Saprahan intimacy is established, the atmosphere melts, and barriers melt into one. At the time of eating, no longer disputed status, religion, and the origins of a person.
Another thing that is not less interesting in the Ritual Robo-robo is dihidangkannya variety of cuisine and the local court which may no longer popular in the middle of society, such as the side dish of white chicken opor, lemongrass shrimp sauce, cucumber salad, spicy sour fish cook, and white chicken soup. As an hors d'oeuvre were served dessert cake Sangon, oblong cakes, sweet bingke, putuh Buloh, and plantains. As for drinking, water is provided sherbet which merit recover stamina.
To enliven ritual Robo-robo, usually displayed a variety of local traditional entertainment, such as tundang (poem singing), japin, and boat races bidar.
B. Location
Location-robo Robo ritual procession scattered in several places in the city Mempawah, such as the mouth of the river in the village of Kuala Mempawah Mempawah, Palace Amantubillah and Cemetery Complex of Sultan-sultan Mempawah on Inland Island Village, and the Tomb Opu Daeng Menambon in Sebukit Rama, Pontianak District, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.
C. Access
Mempawah City is about 67 kilometers north of Pontianak, the capital of West Kalimantan Province. From Supadio Airport or Bus Terminal Pontianak, tourists can take a taxi, travel, and the bus until Mempawah City, the capital of Pontianak. From City Mempawah, Mempawah Estuary is about 10 kilometers. Tourists can access it by using a bus or minibus.
D. Ticket Prices
Travelers who want to see Ritual Robo-robo are free.
E. Accommodation and Other Facilities
For tourists from out of town and want to see the Robo-robo ritual procession as a whole, can stay at the hotel and guesthouse are numerous in some locations Ritual Robo-robo.
In the region there are also shops, restaurants, and shops that provide various needs of tourists, such as food, beverages, and refill pulse.
Various other facilities, such as mosques, kiosks telecom shops, banks, and ATM, are also available here.
Quoted from : http://www.pontianak.web.id/pontianak/sejarah-robo-robo.html
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