Thursday, March 17, 2011

Astra Honda Motor Record Production to 30 Million

PT Astra Honda Motor has managed to secretly record the production reached 30 million units yesterday (16 / 3) at 11.00 pm on plant Cikarang, West Java. The amount represents a new achievement for the AHM which had been pioneered since 40 years ago.

The celebration is done in a modest success at the company's internal. Unlike when the achievement of the 25 million units on October 3, 2009, AHM doing quite festive celebration with my level government officials invited the Director-General of the department of industry.

Unit-30 million production to coincide with the model Scoopy creamy-white color. When the unit to-25 million fall in the Vario Techno. "Thank you for the support so far," said Alexander Auddie Wiranata, Marketing Director of AHM to, last night (16 / 3).

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Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |

Pemandian Air Panas Pacet

Objek Wisata Pemandian Air Panas Pacet berlokasi di lereng gunung Welirang, Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto Jawa Timur.Pacet terkenal sebagai kawasan wisata pegunungan di Kabupaten Mojokerto yang terletak ±600 m dari permukaan laut. yang mudah dijangkau, baik menggunakan kendaraan pribadi maupun angkutan umum.

Sepanjang perjalanan menuju lokasi dipenuhi dengan pemandangan alam yang tak kalah elok. Jajaran bukit, aliran sungai bening yang mengalir dan hutan perawan yang masih asri terbentang luas menyambut kedatangan wisatawan yang ingin menikmati pemandangan di sekitar lokasi pariwisata.

Untuk masuk ke dalam lokasi pemandian Air Panas Pacet,pengelola menyediakan empat macam kolam dengan berbagai tingkat suhu kolam mulai dari kolam dingin, sedang, panas dan sangat panas. Tak jauh dari lokasi pemandian air panas Pacet, masih dalam satu kompleks, tersedia juga kolam pemancingan ikan dan arena bermain anak-anak yang bernama Ubalan. Disini terdapat berbagai macam permainan anak-anak seperti ayunan, mandi bola, sepeda air, dan lain-lain.

Objek Wisata Pemandian Air Panas Pacet sangat pas buat liburan akhir pekan bersama keluarga.Objek wisata Di Indonesia Surga Dunia.

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Perkampungan Tradisional Monbang

Perkampungan tradional Monbang.berada di Desa Kopidil Kecamatan Alor Barat Laut. Jarak dari Kalabahi sekitar 7 km, Perkampungan tradional Monbang dapat ditempuh dengan kendaraan roda 4 dalam waktu 45 menit. Potensi yang dapat dinikmati di Perkampungan asli suku Kabola

Masyarakat, rumah adat, lagu, tarian khas suku Kabola
Busana spesifik dari kulit kayu
Dalam perjalanan dapat menikmati keindahan Teluk Mutiara

Perkampungan tradisional Bampalola, di Kecamatan Alor Barat Laut, jarak dari Kalabahi kira-kira 15 km sebelah Barat. Potensi yang dinikmati :
Rumah adat Fet Lakatuil
Upacara Makan Baru, penentuan waktu tanam, panen, lego-lego, dll
Desa Alor Kecil dan Alor Besar, jarak 14 dan 17 km dari kalabahi potensi yang dinikmati :
Upacara sunatan adat
Acara Nikah adat
Tari-tarian lego-lego jubah dodo
Kitab Suci Al Qur’an tua dari kulit kayu
Musik tradisional
Arus air laut dingin sehingga rakyat panen ikan
Home stay di Pulau Kepa
Taman laut dan panorama alam bawah laut yang indah.

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Mali Beach

Mali Beach is located in the village of Mali kabola bay pearl district with a distance of 10 KM from the town of Kalabahi. This beach provides calm water with white sand and marine parks beautiful natural attractions as well as hedge the terms coconut trees to bear fruit.

Before entering the Coast Mali, can be seen the white eagle in a cage. very interesting to be seen before entering the Coast Mali.

From mali coast about 3 km can be seen a forest landscapes of nostalgia in which the visitors are given the plant saplings to be planted around the site and put their name on the tree. In these forests there is also a spring that cool under grove of walnut trees and a beautiful sandal.

It is easy once you visit the beach Mali, can by using public transport called Bemo.

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Segaran Pool

The pool is located in Hamlet Trowulan Segaran, Trowulan Village, District Trowulan, Mojokerto regency. From the intersection of Mojokerto, Jombang highway there is the road intersection to the south. Location of the pond on the left side of the road intersection, about 500 meters from the highway.

Swimming Segaran discovered in 1926, in a state teruruk soil. In 1966 the pond is experiencing a modest restoration. New in 1974 began implementing restoration of a more planned and comprehensive, which took ten years. Function Swimming Segaran not known for certain, but according to the surrounding community, the pool is used for recreation Majapahit royal family and entertain guests from abroad. This pond is the only ancient pond building the largest ever found in Indonesia. Whole vast pool of approximately 6.5 hectares, stretching to the north-south along the 375 m with a width of 175 m. Coated around the edge of the pool wall 1.60 m thick with a depth of 2.88 m.

At the entrance is located on the west, there is a overhang that juts into the middle of the pond. On the side of the overhang there are steps to go down to the pond. All the walls and overhang made ​​of bricks without adhesive. It is said to seal them, rubbed brick adjacent to each other.

On the southeast side there is a channel which is the entrance of water into the pond, while on the northwest side there is a way out of water channels. Water that flows out into Balongdawa (long pond) is located in the northwest and Balongbunder (round pond) in the south. Given the existence of channels in and out of water, allegedly Swimming Segaran former also functions as a reservoir and a water reservoir. Experts estimate that this pool is called a lake in the Book Negarakertagama.

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Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |

Bulupoloe Island

Guru Earth or known by the Regency of East, South Sulawesi is one district that has a lot of natural potential. The district is known for its mining areas and areas with a lot of other natural beauty of lakes, rivers, mountains, beaches and islands developed as tourist sector.

One of them is BuluPoloe Island in the north end of the Gulf of Bone. The beauty of the various coral reefs and marine life are not lost to the underwater attractions elsewhere. Here, in addition to the clarity of its water diving experience and see the variety of coral reefs that are still well preserved and so fascinating to the fish are colorful, we can also perform activities of fishing, enjoy a unique culinary Luwu such as grilled lobster and grouper are certainly very mengoyang tongue.

There are various myths about the pulaiu Bulupoloe. That said, the name means Bulupoloe mast Sawerigading son of the king of the kingdom Luwu Batara Lattu Luwu Ancient broken. One day, the ship carrying the prince Sawerigading stranded in the Gulf of Bone and split into two. As a result of ship's main mast was broken and transformed into an island known as the island Bulupoloe.

This island is 500 kilometers from the city of Makassar. The trip can be started from the city of Makassar to Malili, East Luwu district capital. After that, continue the trip to the Island Bulupoloe by sea using boats from the port Balantang, Malili and takes about 2 hours to arrive on the island.

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Tourism Objects Luwu Quite Promising

Regency of East (Lutim) in South Sulawesi is one of 23 districts and municipalities in South Sulawesi, which has the potential of natural resources big enough. In addition to mining, agriculture and plantation, potential for tourism is also not less interesting and very promising to be developed which, if managed professionally, it is not impossible later will generate revenue (PAD) are great to build this area.

Tourism potential is scattered from sub Burau, the border with North Luwu, until the district Towuti, where the lake Towuti located. Tourism potential is also varied, ranging from the Cave, Beach tourism, water falls to the charm of the existing lakes in the area of ​​District Nuha, Sorowako.
In the District there are beach Lemo example Burau, Pantai Ujung Suso, and Cave Pabtu white and hot baths sandalwood village. While there are beaches in the district Wotu Balo-Balo, Beach sere Bisue and Tomb Pua Sanro, plus natural attractions suitable Lampenai mountain campground was developed as a sport or hiking.
Similarly, in District Mangkutana, there anuang Salu Waterfall which is right in the path that connects the Trans Sulawesi, Poso, Palu, Manado and so it is very strategic for the community through land jaur Trans-Sulawesi. Unfortunately, this waterfall is in the water conservation areas making it very difficult Kalaena developed into a leading tourist attraction.

While in the district Malili, who is also the capital of Regency of East, there are waterfalls Mangorro Salo, water Atue Falls, Malili River Tours, Beach Stone Menggoro and nutrient watu beaches with huge potential to develop into major tourism regions.
Still waterfall tour, is currently the most visited local tourist is a waterfall in the district Wasuponda Eye Blind, seven-level waterfall is a mainstay Sub Wasuponda, particularly village-Ledu Ledu, unfortunately has not been managed properly due to limited local budgets.

Another tourist attraction is a lake in East Luwu Matano, located in District Nuha, Sorowako, where the management company of Indonesia's largest Nickel namely PT.INCO operate. The most famous beach is the beach idea. This area is open to the public and managed directly by PT.INCO. On certain days, major holidays and week-end, has been ascertained by the beach will be filled by men of ideas from both outside Luwu mapun East.
Information from the Department of Education, and Pariwisaita Kebudyaan Regency of East, in May Festival will be held the second Matano lake, which is a routine agenda implemented every year, even nowadays is a fixed calendar of Culture and Tourism of South Sulawesi to be carried out every year.
From a row, this tourist attraction, East Luwu certainly not close the door for investors who want to invest in tourism Luwu East. The local government will provide facilities and will facilitate any required by investors, as long as not contrary to statutory provisions in force.

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Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |


PT Kereta Api Indonesia will operate the tourist train for the SEA Games event to XXVI in Kilkenny in November.

As the name implies, this train will serve the local and even foreign visitors travel to the tourist attractions in South Sumatra. The train was crossing routes such as in Pagaralam. "The capacity of tourist train is only enough for 40 passengers only," said the Head of Public Relations of PT KAI Division III Sumbagsel Jake Zarkasih, when found in his office, yesterday.

So far, tourist trains operate if there is a lease with a specific tariff. "The fee for the SEA Games will still be discussed," said Jake.

In order to anticipate the surge of passengers on the train tour, he said, PT KAI also trains students to prepare a larger capacity. With capacity up to 100 people.

Games Southeast Asian Nations XXVI SEA Games 2011 will be held in Indonesia (Jakarta and Palembang) from 11-25 November 2011. SEA Games sports party held every two years and involve as many as 11 countries in Southeast Asia namely Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.

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Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |

10 Tourism Indonesia Pride

INDONESIA is a country in Southeast Asia who crossed the equator and located between the continents of Asia and Australia as well as between the Pacific and Indian Ocean.

In addition, Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago country consisting of 17,508 islands, therefore he is referred to as the Archipelago.

Here are 10 attractions Homeland pride:

A. Komodo Island
Komodo is commonly referred to foreign tourists as The Real Life Dragons.Bentuk surface Komodo island is also unique, there is desert, grass, or perbukitan.Sekitar 1200 species of dragons live on the island.

Komodo Island is located in West Nusa Tenggara, which is the eastern part of Indonesia. Animals listed as the largest reptile, named Komodo, located on this island gan.Tempat this is a great tourist location for travelers who want to experience the adventure of nature by looking at the Komodo.

Komodo Island is located in West Nusa Tenggara, which is the eastern part of Indonesia. Animals listed as the largest reptile, named Komodo, located on this island gan.Tempat this is a great tourist location for travelers who want to experience the adventure of nature by looking at the Komodo.

B. Tangkuban Perahu
one of the mountain which is located in West Java province, Indonesia.Sekitar 20 km to the north of Bandung, with a lush carpet of pine trees and nearby tea gardens, mountain Tangkuban Parahu have high altitude of this mountain is 2084 meter.Bentuk Maar or shield that has been erupted 400 years ago.
Tangkuban Mt have Hill dipterocarp forest, dipterocarp forest Upper Montane forest, and forest or forest Ericaceous gunung.Gunung Tangkuban Parahu an area of ​​Mount Merapi which is still active.

The origins of Tangkuban Mt Sangkuriang associated with the legend, which is reported to fall in love with his mother, Dayang Sumbi.

C. Pangandaran Beach
Beautiful Pangandaran Beach is one tourist attraction on the coast of Java is located in the Village Barat.Pantai Pananjung, District of Pangandaran at a distance ± 92 km south of the city Ciamis.

Sloping beach with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long to allow us to swim safely. There are beaches with white sand and is also available tourist beach rescue teams. There is a marine park with fish and marine life memeesona

Many unique event in Pangandaran, one of which is the International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of supporting activities which we can see in every month of June or July.

D. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
Taman Mini Indonesia is a miniature which includes completeness of Indonesia with everything in it is triggered by the First Lady, Siti Hartinah, better known as Ibu Tien Soeharto. Various kinds of local homes and a variety of Indonesian culture is summarized here, making it easier for tourists to see the overview of Indonesia.

E. Taman Impian Jaya Ancol
As a tourist area, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol turned out to have stood since the 17th century. At that time, the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Adriaan Valckenier, has a very lovely cottage by the beach. Over time, the area was later developed into tourist attractions.

Tija is the largest amusement park in Indonesia. Various entertainment is available in the region Arena Ancol. Do not lose any hotel ² located in the region to complement Ancol Ancol entertainment facilities.

F. Bunaken
Bunaken is an area of ​​8.08 km ² island in the Bay of Manado, located in the northern island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.

This island is part of the city of Manado, the provincial capital of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Around the island there Bunaken Bunaken marine park which is part of Manado Tua Marine National Park. This marine park has a marine biodiversity one of the highest in the world. Scuba diving attracts many visitors to the island. Overall Bunaken marine park covers an area of ​​75,265 hectares with five islands within it, namely the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island, Island Siladen, Mantehage Island follows several children his island, and island Naen. Although covering an area of ​​75,265 hectares, the location of the dive (diving) is limited in each of the five beaches that surround the island.

G. Senggigi Beach
Senggigi Beach is a famous tourist spot in Lombok. Located on the west coast of Lombok Island. Senggigi Beach is not at Kuta Beach in Bali, but once we were here will feel like staying in Kuta Beach, Bali.

Coastal beaches are still beautiful, although it is still littered with garbage foliage because rarely cleaned. Very beautiful underwater scenery, and tourists can do as much snorkeling as the waves are not too big. Coral reefs towering ketengah causing large waves breaking in the middle. There are also hotels with prices ranging from expensive to valuable hotel.

H. Borobudur is the name of a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. The location of the temple is approximately 100 km southwest of Hyderabad and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. This temple was founded by the followers of Mahayana Buddhism around the year 800 AD during the reign of the dynasty dynasty.

I. Lake Toba
Lake Toba is a volcanic lake with a size of 100km x 30km area in North Sumatra, Sumatra, Indonesia. In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Pulau Samosir.

Lake Toba has long become an important tourist destination in North Sumatra in addition to Bukit Lawang and Nias, attract domestic and foreign tourists.

J. Kuta Bali
Kuta is a tourist spot located in the south of Denpasar, the capital of Bali, Indonesia. Kuta is located in Badung regency.

This area is a tourist destination which is very famous abroad. In Kuta itself there are many shops, restaurants and a bath and drying herself. Kuta Beach is often referred to as Sunset Beach or the beach sunset as opposed to the Sanur beach. Field I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport is located not far from Kuta.

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Rana Lake

Rana Lake is right in the interior of Buru Island about 63 km and located at an altitude of about 700 m above sea level. Lake shutter is the largest lake in the Province, located in the District Water Pools are perfect for the adventurous wasatawan the wild freedom, to achieve a two-lane option is available, the first trip through the western route through the Village Water District Wamlana Crocodiles, the village which is situated ± 80 km from downtown Namlea can you accomplish with the car for 1.5 hours. Next to hitchhike timber company PT. Forest Echoes you start exploring the Lake Rana along the ± 43 km on the way you were served with beautiful natural scenery, a wide range of plant species can be found here, along the way you will pass several villages inhabited by tribal people of Buru island here you will be served with dance "plane" as a sign of welcome for guests. Route through the village Tifu Leksula District. The village is located in south central Namlea can only be reached by sea using a speedboat trip with the distance ± 5 hours, arriving in the village by car truck Tifu you start the adventure to Lake Rana along 40 km of the village samapai Waelo, after that the journey continues walk to the center of Lake Rana ± 6 hours, the same as the path west along the road past the village community also indigenous Buru Island. Rana sacred lake known for its surrounding communities, the water is clear, filled with lotus flowers on top, cool air. you can enjoy the tranquility of Lake Rana by boat with beautiful scenery on the edge of twilight clouds looked-wine, lumpy canopy hung in the sky over Lake Rana. Kala canoe in the middle of this lake, we felt as though perhaps we are already in heaven porch that is often portrayed so beautifully not terkirakan. Just imagine, the reflection of sunlight sunset casting violet color, the cool air inserted clouds of dark gray and white umbrella weak our heads. Entering the twilight wind nights (by the local people called Sibu-Sibu) came menyumbui breezy lake surface began to dark. If you want to tour the lake only at a cost of 100 thousand local people are ready to take you around to anywhere with unlimited time, you can visit the township residents surrounding the lake is the hamlet Wamamboli, Kaktuan, Erdafa, Warujawa, Waimite, Wagrahi, and you'll be greeted Waireman Buru society with a friendly smile.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Maimun Palace, Medan City

Palace Maimun is one of the iconic city of Medan , Sumatra Utara, located in Talbot village, district of Medan Maimun.
Palace Maimun Designed by Italian architect and built by the Sultan of Deli , Ma'mun Al Rashid Perkasa Alam in 1888, the Palace Maimun has an area of 2772 m2 and 30 rooms.
Palace Maimun become a tourist destination not only because of old age, but also the unique interior design, combines elements of Malay cultural heritage, with Islamic style, Spain, India and Italy, but unfortunately it appears less taken care of now. If we pass this place in the afternoon, we could even see the kids playing soccer in the courtyard palace this.
Indonesia Tourist Paradise.

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Istano Basa Batusangkar, Tanah Datar District of West Sumatra .

Istano Basa more famous by the name Pagaruyung Palace, is a palace located in Batusangkar, Tanah Datar District of West Sumatra . The palace is famous cultural attractions in West Sumatra. Istano Basa that stands now is actually a replica of the original. Istano original base is located on top of Bukit Batu Broken and burned down in a bloody riot in 1804. The palace was later rebuilt but burned again in 1966. The process of rebuilding is done by laying Istano Basa stump tuo (main mast)on December 27, 1976 by ​​the Governor of West Sumatra (then Aaron Zain). This new building is not established in the old palace site, but at a new location next to the south. In the late 1970s, the palace has been able to be visited by the public. On February 27, 2007, Istano Basa suffered severe fires due to lightning which grabbed the top of the palace. As a result, the building of three levels was razed to the ground. Also partially burned documents, and the fabrics hiasan.Diperkirakan only about 15 percent of these valuables are safe. Goods that escaped from the fire is now housed in the Institute of Archaeological Objects Tanah Datar. Wisata Indonesia Paradise

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Muara Kuin Floating Market

Muara Kuin Floating Market is a traditional floating market is located on the river at the mouth of the Barito river Kuin, Banjarmasin , South Kalimantan . The merchants and buyers to use boats, boats in a language called Banjar. This market began after the dawn prayer until after seven o'clock in the morning. The sun rises reflect light between the transaction of vegetables and crops from the villages along the Barito river and its tributaries.

Boating women traders who sell their products themselves or their neighbors called the hamlet, while the second hand purchase from the hamlet for resale called panyambangan. Keistemewaan this market is still common among the traders barter transactions boating, which is in a language called Banjar bapanduk.

Now Kuin floating market certainly extinct following a change in land markets. Many tourists who visit Kuin have to swallow disappointment because it did not find any exotic market stretching over the water.

Extinction of traditional markets in the region "a thousand rivers" was triggered by a ravenous culture of land and supported by regional development which is always oriented kedaratan. River channels and canals destroyed irreplaceable with ease road. Communities that have had many boats, is now proud to have a motorcycle or a car ... Tourism Indonesia Paradise

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Pempek or Empek-empek

Pempek or Empek-empek is the typical food Kilkenny made ​​from fish and sago. Actually it is difficult to say that pempek center is Palembang because almost in all areas in South Sumatra produce it.

Presentation pempek sauce accompanied by brownish black, called vinegar or cuko (language Palembang ). Cuko made ​​from boiled water, then add brown sugar, shrimp, dried shrimp and chili pepper mashed, garlic, and salt. For the people of native Kilkenny , from the first cuko made ​​spicy to increase appetite. But with the entry of migrants from outside the island of Sumatra is now commonly found cuko with a sweet taste for those who do not like spicy. Cuko can protect teeth from caries (damage layer of email and dentin). Because in one liter of broth solution pempek there are usually 9-13 ppm fluoride. a complement to the distinctive taste of this meal is a slice of fresh cucumber dice and yellow noodles.

Type pempek famous is "pempek submarine", which is chicken wrapped in egg batter and fried pempek in hot oil. There are others such as pempek lenjer, pempek round (or known by the name "ada'an"), pempek fish skin, pempek pistel (young papaya slices in it that has been boiled with herbs), pempek small eggs, and pempek curly.
Pempek can be found easily throughout the city of Palembang . There are sold in restaurants, there are in the cart, and also there is a bear. Also every school canteen there must be a sell pempek. In the 1980s, ordinary pempek seller carry a basket full pempek while traveling city of Palembang on foot peddle food. Pempek now there are two types: regular and Parempek Pempek, Pare and Pempek mixture. Indonesia Culinary Paradise.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Komodo Island

Komodo Island is located at the westernmost tip of East Nusa Tenggara Province, which borders West Nusa Tenggara Province. Exactly at Komodo district, West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Since 1980, an area of 1817 km2 National Park was made by the Government of Indonesia, which is then recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1986. Together with two other large islands, namely Pulau Rinca and Padar, Komodo Island and several small islands around it continued to be maintained as natural habitat reptile, dubbed “Komodo Dragon” is. Bearing the Latin name Varanus komodoensis and local name “Ora”, giant lizards, according to a story first published in 1912 in a national daily the Dutch East Indies.Peter A. Ouwens, director of the Zoological Museum in Bogor is one who has introduced his paper dragons to the world through it. Since then, expeditions and research on endangered species continue to be done, even reportedly inspired the film had Zone Symbian soft updates in 1933.

Recognizing the need for protection against the dragon in the center of human activity in its habitat that, in 1915 the Dutch government issued a ban on hunting and killing dragons. Thanks to the efforts of government and local communities in conserving the National Park, tourists come to visit and now a close look at the life of these ancient reptiles.With a body length of 2-3 meters, Komodo dragons can weigh up to 70-100 pounds.Animals who likes hot and dry place to live in a tropical forest or savanna habitat at low altitude. When night fell, dragons nest in the hole with the 1-3 meter while keeping body heat at night. As a carnivore at the top of the food chain, prey Komodo include goats, deer, wild boar, and birds. In certain circumstances, can behave cannibal with Komodo dragons prey on another. By relying on her sense of smell on his tongue, the Komodo dragon can smell carrion prey as far as 9 kilometers. Bites which can contain bacteria and deadly, plus a sharp front claws are natural weapons. In addition, the dragons were able to run 20 kilometers per hour in short distances, climbing trees, swimming and even diving. Just like other reptiles, the Komodo dragon reproduce by laying eggs. However, studies prove there are other ways to regenerate dragons, namely by means of parthenogenesis. This method allows the female dragons to produce fertilized eggs without the male. Komodo dragon parthenogenesis alleged to have been saved from extinction since thousands of years ago. However, destruction of habitat, volcanic activity, earthquakes, fires, until the poaching has resulted in a decrease indicated a population of dragons to some extent vulnerable to extinction. An estimated 4-5 thousand dragons tail in the presence of productive females only numbered in the hundreds. This condition is a challenge for conservation efforts Komodo Island National Park.

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Root Bridge in West Sumatra

This is now a tourist attraction mainstay of South Coastal District which is one of the most unique bridges in the world. strong bridge and become a liaison between the two regions Jorong (Hamlet) Puluik Puluik and Lubuak-Glare, Glare Lubuak Village, District of North Bayang, South Coastal District, West Sumatra. From the information that was summarized one community leader and chairman of the youth-puluik Pulik, Herman Datuak Rajo Bandaro, the bridge was made by a scholar named Pakih Sokan pity to see the students of the Koran-puluik Pulik often do not come due to stem the flow of shadows often overflowed . In 1916 Pakih Pohan planted two sticks ox-ox (a type of broad-leaf banyan tree), tree-ox ox was planted in two locations-one in the area Pulik puluik and one in the area Lubuak Glare separated by a shadow bar. Then the roots are hanging woven on a bamboo rod made of bone bridge as the root bridge (Jembatan Akar). After 3 years the roots of two trees ox-ox are linked but not impassable.

Then Pakih Pohan held mandabiah goat (cut goat) and mandarai aka (giving blood at the root of that link.) “This is a sign of gratitude that ox-ox roots are linked already engaged, as a sign of engagement will happen again, Until now the bridge is a length of 30 meters and 1 meter wide with a height from the surface of the stem shadows about 10 meters and the current age of the bridge is already 93 years and still can be passed from local residents Pulik-puluik as many as 25 heads of families as well as residents who want Pulik-puluik.

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Mentawai Islands

Mentawai Islands has of 758 km coastline . The main potential of the Mentawai Islands are the waves are rolling and well suited to be a place of water surfing.Mentawai is the third best surfing places in the world after the Hawaiian Islands and Tahiti.Mentawai Islands recorded has 400 spots which are often used as the location of surfing by surfers.23 of that points have a wave of international scale.
Each year,Mentawai designated as the organizers of the Surfing Champions World Series Championship Series or World Surfing Water scheduled each August.
Mentawai is an island that located at about 135 km off the west coast of Sumatra Island.Mentawai Islands consists of 213 islands and 4 main island are Siberut, Sipora, Pagai Utara and Pagai Selatan. Mentawai capital is Tua Pejat Mentawai Islands has of 758 km coastline . The main potential of the Mentawai Islands are the waves are rolling and well suited to be a place of water surfing.Mentawai is the third best surfing places in the world after the Hawaiian Islands and Tahiti.Mentawai Islands recorded has 400 spots which are often used as the location of surfing by surfers.23 of that points have a wave of international scale. Each year,Mentawai designated as the organizers of the Surfing Champions World Series Championship Series or World Surfing Water scheduled each August.

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Wakatobi is one of the Regencies in having its own vision to realize the only real underwater paradise at the world’s coral reef triangle center. This visionary vision has a strong reason that beside as the richest site in coral reef collection and as the most beautiful site, (Operation Wallacea 2006) Wakatobi is also situated geographically at the world’s coral reef triangle center with its 942 fish species and 750 coral reef species from total 850 of world’s collection comparing to the two world’s famous diving center like Caribbean Sea that owes only 50 species and other 300 coral reef species in the Red Sea, Egypt.

Beside the underwater beauty, Wakatobi has also other beauty and richness such as white sandy beach, clear sea water, sunset in every islands edge, historical ruins like ancient fortresses and cannon that spread out in the four main islands, old village with its pillar house, traditional waving, blacksmiths, Bajo tribe and various particular dances. This nature and culture heritages put Wakatobi as the world’s famous marine tourism objects.

Wakatobi is well-known as the Tukang Besi Island in the map and it is the abbreviation of four main islands name which are: WA (Wangi-wangi), KA (Kaledupa), TO (Tomia) and BI (Binongko), covers an area of 1.400.000 hectares and the coral reef places 90.000 hectares from the total area. The island is also famous as the second largest Barrier after the Great Barrier Reef in Australia consists of 39 islands and 7 of them are inhabited with the total population of 100.563, while the rest remain uninhabited

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Raja Ampat islands

Raja Ampat islands ocated in the western part of the Bird’s Head (Vogelkoop) Island Raja Ampat islands are a destination of divers who are interested in beauty beneath the sea.Four of Raja Ampat islands are the largest islands, namely Pulau Waigeo, Misool Island,Salawati Island, and Island Batanta.

Archipelagic waters is said to be one of the 10 best waters for sport diving in the world. Species that are unique and can be found while diving is kudalaut mini,wobbegong, and manta ray. There is also a fish that is endemic to the Raja Ampat Eviota gobbie king or similar fish.

The origin of the name of Raja Ampat it self allegedly is a myth that developed andhas several variants in the local community. Myth says that there is a woman whofound seven eggs. Four of these eggs hatch into 4 people prince who parted company and each one becomes the king’s ruling Waigeo, Salawati, Misool MisoolEast and West. While the other 3 eggs into a ghost, a woman and a stone.

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Parangtritis Beach

Parangtritis is the most beautiful and longest beaches in the area of Yogyakarta Special Region. This beach has been known since the Dutch as a comfortable resting place. Visitors like never bored stop in place. This beach is very beautiful and charming south coast with waves big enough. For those who like to surf, though limited, could do at this beach. Strong winds blowing you can use to play the kite.

Elegant scenery as far as the eye could see would make your heart feel at ease. In this beach you will see other sights on the sea side, namely the existence of dunes of sand-dunes (sand dune) which bergitu elegant. According to geologists, these dunes are sand dunes complete in Indonesia, maybe even the world.

Parangtritis, in addition to known natural beauty of beaches, also known as a place that memikili various historical heritage. The complex consists of Parangtritis Parangtritis, Parangkusumo, and Gembirowati Highlands. In Parangkusumo there is a pool of hot water bath (sulfur), which is believed to cure various disease. The pool was discovered and nurtured by Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII. The existence of complex craft shells, International-standard hotel (Queen of South), as well as tour gig in Parangtritis participate enliven tourism in the region. This tourist complex can be achieved through two channels, the first point through the bridge Kretek, the second pass and siluk Imogiri. Location in the Village Parangtritis Kec.Kretek approximately 27 km from Yogyakarta to the south. Including these areas: Petilasan Parangkusumo, Baths Parangwedang, Tomb of Sheikh Maulana; Maghreb, Tomb of Sheikh Bela Belu, Tomb Ki Ageng Selohening, Place Fish Auction (TPI), Depok, Gumuk Sand (Barchan) Attraction / Event Tourism Ceremony Pisungsung Jaladri Bekti Pertiwi, Uparaca Labuhan Alit Ngayogyakarta,; Labuhan Hondodento, Celebration Peh Cun, Pilgrimage Tuesday Night and Friday POND POND, Degree Art Night 1 Suro, Performing Arts Culture (Vacation and Lebaran), Kite Festival, Beach Volley.

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Wetu Telu

Despite the fact that the majority of the population Lombok West Nusa Tenggara Islam, but the indigenous population of Lombok, Sasak people, many who embrace traditional beliefs of Islam Wetu Telu, syncretism between Islamic teaching and beliefs of local Sasak tribe. This belief is not allocated to the strong influence of ancient Javanese and Balinese Hindu in Sasak. Since the 14th century Majapahit Kingdom led by Gadjah Mada University mengusai Patih Sasak. Only in the 17th century, Islam was introduced to Sunan Giri and Bugis Muslims, who comes to Lombok. Long ago, around the 18th century, the wars that erupted in the Kingdom of Klungkung Bali resulted in mass migration of people of Bali to Lombok. I do not care Sasak culture is the culture of nearby Java and Bali.

Islamic faith Wetu Telu received the Sasak people will be able to exercise different doctrine of Islam in general. As its name implied, Wetu Telu, it means running the prayer three times a day, 5 times was not done to the Muslims. Sasak people just run the afternoon prayer (duhur), afternoon (‘ASR) and sunset (maghrib). Similarly, while performing fasting in Ramadan. Muslims Wetu Telu only run as much as 3 days of fasting during Ramadan, which is the first day, the middle of Ramadan, and the final days before Idul Fitri.

Until now, people who embraced Islam Sasak Wetu Telu still often can not be found. Most of them lived in the village of Bayan, North Lombok. Mostly other Mataram, Pujung, Sengkol, Rabitan, Sade, Tetebatu, pipe, Sembalun, Senaru, Loyok and Pasugulan. It is interesting that the people who live in Temple Sasak Lingsar lived in harmony with Balinese Hindus. However, the different tribes and religions are as likely to live in harmony.

Pura Lingsar ancient temple built by Anak Agung Ngurah Karangasem Kingdom in about 1759. The temple complex there are four main building, in particular Pura Gaduh, Kemaliq, pesiraman and pesimpangan Bhatara good Balian and Lingsar Wulon. Despite the fact that the temple was built by Balinese Hindus, but there clearly is a place blessed Kemaliq Sasak society faiths Wetu Telu. That said, Kemaliq built as a symbol of unity between the Hindu Balinese and the Sasak tribe. In fact, every year the Full Moon sasih Kanem yellow moon, which falls around December, Hindu Balinese and the Sasak people make Topat war tradition, Throwing-pitch diamond in the form of brotherhood.

Pura Lingsar every day and is often used Sasak people to pray and make offerings of food variety. Its development, this place is not only a place of worship of Hindus in Bali and Sasak tribes, but also of other faiths who want to Beg, and blessed the “Connect” world. Be Kemaliq sign of internal religious tolerance, regardless of tribe and race. A lesson in the nature of religious life that deserve to be as devotional material.

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Siti Nurbaya Bridge

Siti Nurbaya Bridge Along the 60-meter bridge connects the old town of Padang with Siti Nurbaya Park (where Siti Nurbaya buried). Stretched gallant in Muara Batang Arau.

This bridge looks beautiful when twilight ahead. Incandescent mercury, the wind blew the beach, and boat lights add a romantic atmosphere is started. No wonder that young people crowded the bridge is, for making love or just enjoy the bread, bananas, and roasted corn sold in the right side and left the bridge.

Colorful plastic chairs provided by vendors of snacks, enliven a warm evening greeted relatives. A cup of coffee, a loaf of bread, plus a roasted sweet corn with a variety of flavors, blends perfectly with the view that spoil the eye.

From the body of this bridge we can see the view of Bukit Gunung Padang and an orange sunset. We also can simultaneously enjoy the old buildings along the old city of Padang, Dutch colonial era town complete with fishing boats are docked at the pier began estuary.

When observed closely, the lights along the bridge is formed bagonjong house, typical of buildings in West Sumatra. When the famous bridge Barito Banjarmasin, Palembang with Ampera bridge, Padang has a tourist icon that is not less beautiful and must be visited; Siti Nurbaya Bridge.

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Kirab Malam 1 Sura

Carnival Night 1 Sura (Kirab Malam 1 Sura ) according to the Calendar New Year Celebration of Java. Night 1 Sura fall begins to set the sun on the last day of the Javanese calendar last month (30/29 Large) until the rising sun on the first day of the first month of next year (1 Sura). Carnival Night 1 Sura (Kirab Malam 1 Sura)At Mangkunegaran done jamasan (laundering) heirloom like keris, tombak ( spear ) , and another kind weapons , then it will be brought go around Mangkunegaran dani Surakarta Palace, also performed rituals 1 Sura heirlooms procession around Fort Palace in the early morning on 8. What is interesting is the participation of several kebo bule (albino buffalo) as the front line lampah (use within the group of participants started the carnival).

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Floating Market, Kalimantan

pasar terapung “Floating Market is a traditional market, which is above the Barito River at the mouth of the river Kuin, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. The merchants and buyers of boats, boat use names in Bahasa Banjar. Floating Market is about to begin after the morning prayer until after 07.00 clock. The sun rises reflect the light from the transaction of vegetables and crops from the villages along the Barito River and its tributaries.
By witnesses of a view, though tourists were sightseeing. Jukung boats laden with merchandise vegetables, fruits, all kinds of fish and other household needs is in the floating market. As the sun began to rise to the market begun to reverse, the merchants began to visit the floating market, can bring about the results obtained with satisfaction.

Floating market a unique atmosphere and distinctive between large and small boat buyers and sellers find each other more milling crowds from place to place, always shaky play Barito river waves. Floating market has no such organization in the mainland market, it is not recorded how many traders and merchants bersarkan visitors or distribution of goods.

Boating women traders, who called their products themselves or their neighbors Weiler sale, while the second hand purchase from the hamlet called for resale panyambangan. Keistemewaan this market is still boating swaps to dealers, which is in a language commonly called Banjar bapanduk something unique and rare.

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Sumatra Island

Culture and cultural diversity

Sumatra is the largest island in Indonesia, and differs from the other two islands, with only some part of Indonesia such as Kalimantan and Papua. But it’s not crowded population in this island opposite compared with the surrounding islands.

This is where out of the tribe that was once known as the cannibal of the houses Batak and only agree to the tribe of matriarchal in Indonesia, or perhaps only one in the world of Minangkabau and tribal people who live isolated from modern civilization and known tribe living in the forest the desert and living tribe Mentawai in the Mentawai Islands west of Sumatra island.

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Natural scenic of Klayar Beach
Beach is located in District klayar Donorojo, Pacitan. It is about 35 km to the west of the town of Pacitan. It can reach about 60 minutes from the city. Many rockies like spink in Egypt. Klayar beach with mounds that have characteristics of another. Its wave raced towards sporting stone from the hole to make a sound like a bamboo flute. through the spout hole about 7 meters high and has a voice like a bamboo flute. as a privilege of the klayar beach

while in the crevice between rocks and blast wave has white sand and blue water is pleasant to visit. In addition there is also a real fountain experience. This water fountain “Fountain” occurs because the air pressure waves that hit the rock hollow. Fountain, which can reach 10 meters high to produce drizzle and dew sea water which is believed to have medicinal properties as ageless.

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Srau Beach at Pacitan

Srau beach is resides in Candi village, Pringkuku district region, Pacitan Regency, which about 25 km towards west of Pacitan city. It is reachable by public transportation and personal vehicle.
This white sandy beach is suited for fishing, sun bathing, swimming activity, etc. The tourists can do those activity and enjoy the beach scenery. It has beautiful scenery and the sea waves struck white sand.
Its beautiful scenery is also equipped with facility of rushing for visitor. Along the beach, there are lots of colorful stones which glow their colour. Natural fishing while enjoying the large sea.
The coconut leaves are great the visitors and feel sea wind around it.

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Maluku Tourism : Banda Island

Location Marine Park is located between the island of Banda Neira, Volcano Island, Pulau Ai, Iceland and Iceland Sjahrir Hatta. Precisely located in Central Maluku district, Maluku Province. To get to the site can be reached by ferry from Ambon city for a night.

bandaKegiatan island maritime tourism in the Banda waters varied, such as seeing the park by boat, diving, fishing tuna and tuna, to see whales, dolphins, including different types of fish and shellfish that are currently preserved old as Napoleon fish, birds, ocean swimming and fly close and watch Arombai Manggurebe (Competition Belang or racing boat) from shore.

The event is not less interesting is another event that can witness Uli bucket every year twice, in March and April in early evening for 15 days (sky) at 17:00 to 20:00 CET. Uli bucket is “Ocean Party” Banda society to trap marine animals like sea green caterpillar that long (like yarn) and hairy. In this event. Scattered communities Banda to the coast, men and women, young and old
With the tool will catch Uli (Uli gear) resembles a scoop (Javanese Timuran) made of fine fabrics and various kinds of light, wait for Uli from the bottom of the sea coast beach and then arrested. Catch Uli then cooked with special spices and then became a typical dish, delicious and high bergisi eaten with boiled sago or cassava

Season should visit in the summer shade (not choppy lake season) which took place in March, April, May, September, October and November. tourists can try their own using a fishing rod to catch tuna and skipjack.

Service guide can help travelers to use the fishing equipment, and explain the process of tuna fishing out of fishermen.
Banda Island, there are many shops selling various souvenirs miniature ship in a bottle, woven bamboo picking tool nutmeg and replica objects from the Dutch and Portuguese. There are also some guest houses for rent to stay

Dive in Banda Islands

Banda Islands are one of the most beautiful dive sites in Indonesia. either already an expert or novice dive, dive from Banda Neira to the vertical wall on the island of Hatta. When diving is sometimes seen sharks, turtles, tuna, lobster and big baraccuda. The Banda Islands are a group of small volcanic islands in the Banda Sea, about 140 km south of Seram island and about 200 mil east of Java, and is part of Maluku province. Bandanaira administrative center located on the island of Banda Island
Places to dive in the Banda Islands.

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Tirta Husada Hot Spring Water

Banyu Anget or hot spring pool is still save several major special qualities and health benefits and physical fitness. This bath is called “Tirto Husodo” and now are built instead of two pools, two swimming pools and lodges. It is one of Pacitan tourist objects derived from natural sources. Many tourists have visited this area.

It is not difficult to reach this tourism object area can reach the vehicle of the four wheels, because it has good road. It is about 15 km from Pacitan city, especially in Arjosari district.

Banyu Anget location can be reached by car and takes about 10 minutes from the city. The man is believed to cure skin diseases. Also equipped with villas, bathroom and laundry.
Visit Banyu Anget Pool fresh mind and body for it!

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Taman Ayun Temple, Bali

Taman Ayun which means beautiful garden, is located in Mengwi Village, 18 km northwest of Denpasar. It was built in 1634 by I Gusti Agung Anom, a founder of the Mengwi Kingdom, and became the main temple for the ancient Mengwi Kingdom. The temple is surrounded by ponds which give the effect from a distance as if the temple is floating on water.

Taman Ayun Temple was renovated in 1937. The grassy area of the outermost courtyard, the fine array of roofs (merus) and pavilions in the inner courtyard, and its well-kept appearance make it one of the most beautiful temples in Bali.

The temple complex consists of three ground areas. In the outermost court is Bale Wantilan which is used for all events, religious ceremonies, dance performances or cock fighting. To the west, there is a decorative fountain called Padma Sana. In the innermost court, surrounded by a small pond, there are 29 buildings which function as places for the gods and goddesses, called Bale Pelik with beautiful carvings, interesting relics and statues of the nine gods, Dewa Nawa Sanga. The whole complex of temple symbolizes the great Mandhara Mountain turning in a sea of milk.

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Uluwatu Temple, Bali

Located at the western most tip of Bukit Peninsula, this temple is one of Bali's Kayangan Jagat Temples. Its location is dramatic, perched on the edge of a high cliff with a picturesque sunset view. The temple is carved from the enormous limestone rock. ‘Ulu’ means head, ‘watu’ means rock, and ‘Luhur’ implies heavenly, ancestral, original and transcendent all at once.

Uluwatu Temple was first used for worship by the holy 11th century priest, Empu Kuturan, who came to Bali to convey religious law and to form Desa Adat (traditional villages).

This temple was then used for worship by the next holy priest, Dang Hyang Nirartha, who came to Bali at the end of 1550 and ended his holy voyage in this area.

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Rp 1 Billion for Borobudur

In an effort to develop the tourism potential and improve the economic community around the tourist area of ​​Borobudur Temple, Central Java, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Kemenbudpar) will provide assistance amounting to Rp 1 billion per year in the program a tourist destination.

"The area of ​​Borobudur Temple entrance in 15 tourist destinations in Indonesia, which became the target Kemenbudpar development in 2011," said Winarno Sudjas, Director General Secretary Kemenbudpar Tourism Destination Development, on Thursday (03/10/2011) in Magelang.

In addition to the Borobudur Temple, the development also has been done in a number of other tourist destinations in Indonesia. Among them, Lake Toba in North Sumatra, Raja Ampat in Papua, Tanjung Putting in Central Kalimantan. Places of tourist attraction is considered to have high potential, qualified, and prospectively.

Nevertheless, he said, aid is not in the form of cash, but more on programs, mentoring, and empowerment of local community activities. Thus, not only to increase the number of tourist visits, but also extend your stay and spend more money on the attractions visited.

By maketh as a tourist destination, is expected to communities around the area of ​​Borobudur Temple evolved from an economic point. Whereas, the village at around the temple dynasty Dynasty relic that is still natural and has a variety of handicrafts.

"Authenticity of this region is still very thick. Between society and the natural synergy, not to mention with much diversity of culture and crafts of local residents. This became one of the potential to serve as a leading tourist," he explained.

He mentioned, in the first year of this program, it will provide an understanding for the perpetrators of tourism to collaborate in order to increase tourist attraction, partly by socialization.

"It takes cooperation across sectors, ranging tour managers, governments, communities and even in society in the field of religion, the environment, to the traditional sport. If you need to bring in experts," he added. From this program, targeting Kemenbudpar excursions in Indonesia from 2010 to 2015 could increase to 20 percent.

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Healthy Tourism in the Garden Djamoe Indonesia

Nyonya Meneer company provides exceptional contribution to the various kinds of medicinal plants in Indonesia. Park establishment in Ungaran Djamoe Indonesia, Semarang, Central Java became one of the proof. Besides enjoying the natural beauty, visitors are invited to live healthy.

Greenhouse for instance, invites visitors to know the rich variety of plants with diverse properties. Charles Saerang, President Director of PT Nyonya Meneer said there are 660 species of plants. Everything comes from Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke.

There landik plants, wood Rapet, jangkang, agalea, and attacking the stone. Leaf Ki Tolod for for eye drops. While Chrysanthemum can treat liver / liver, sleep disorders, vascular headaches, digestive disorders, and treat wounds. "Chrysanthemum skin was taken, could be to old wounds and new," said Charles.

Indonesia Djamoe Park located on Highway Karangjati Km 28, Sub gaseous, Semarang regency. The area of this park has an area of three hectares. Visitors who come only charged USD 10 thousand. Inside they know the plants around the park on foot or by bicycle. And all at once can taste medicinal drinks.

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Hot water bathing Tirta Tapta Pemali

This one tourist attraction is the beach tourism assets are located in villages Pemali Sub Pemali Bangka Regency, about 20 km from City Sungailiat. Location of hot springs in Pemali first discovered in the Dutch colonial era. At that time lead by the company conducted exploration BTW (Bangka Tin Winning Bedrijt), namely the Dutch-owned company specializing in the economic development of tin mining in Bangka Island.

After the independence of Indonesia tin mining company was taken over from colonial rule into a mining company owned by the state, namely PT. TIN and automatically the existence of the location of water source heat into the ownership and management of PT Timah. in the era of the '70s decade, hot water Pemali restored and developed by tin company, which selamabeberapa year was treated well and became one of the recreation community. This hot water comes from ground water that emit sulfur active very ccocok for wisataan who come to the health or relieve stiffness by wading pool of water supplied.

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New mounts of America

Currently we only know the manufacturer of Harley Davidson motorcycles are famous as the producer from the United States, this time there is Motus.

Manufacturers of motorcycle that is introducing its first production
MST-01 and MST-R last weekend in Detroit, USA.

Motor sport touring is claimed would break the two-wheel global automotive market. How could I not, as reported by the New York Times on Monday (07/03/2011) owner Lee Conn and Brian Case had dared to try to bring the motor with large machines, despite the age of 4 years old company.

This motor uses a Corvette engine capacity of 1650 cc with fuel injection into the body of the MST-01. Machines V4 engine is not arbitrary, because the kitchen runway 90 degrees is claimed to have power to 160 bhp that can instantly make it as a monster new asphalt.

This motor was claimed as the real motor. A stocky body shape is very suitable for two wheel enthusiasts both in America and in Europe.

It is not surprising. Because this motor was taking the base design of Le Mans GT1 that won various design competitions.

Her body was wrapped by a small fairing combined with tabular frame is properly exposed. While the big box embedded in the back of the body as MST-01 indicate that this bike not only has great power, but also a comfortable touring bike but scary.

Driving pleasure riders can be more gratified when Motus embed grapu Marzocchi equipped breka Hayes disc the size of 43 mm. As for the type R is available with Brembo braking system.

The other aspect is offered Motus presents both with direct fuel injection. In addition to large engine performance, fuel consumption is also more efficient.

The second heavy motor reaches 520 pounds. For the engine and gearbox only approximately 200 pounds, out of carbon fiber on the fairing, fuel tank, and seat.

While the frame is made of strong steel. It looks increasingly ciamik with 17-inch alloy rims front and rear.

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Indonesia Perluas Pasar Wisata

Pemerintah Indonesia bertekad memperluas pasar wisata ke negara-negara ASEAN yang selama ini belum tergarap optimal di antaranya Thailand, Vietnam, dan Filipina. "Tahun ini kami mulai memperluas negara fokus pasar ke Thailand, Vietnam, dan Filipina," kata Deputi Direktur Wilayah ASEAN Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Kemenbudpar), Chrismiastutie, di Jakarta, Selasa (22/2/2011).

Ia mengatakan, tiga negara tersebut dinilai potensial untuk menjadi negara fokus pasar wisata utama di ASEAN setelah Singapura dan Malaysia.

Khusus untuk Filipina, Chrismiastutie bahkan berani memasang target jumlah kunjungan wismannya akan mencapai 210.000 orang. "Kami sudah beberapa kali melakukan promosi wisata di Filipina tahun lalu, jadi kami optimistis jumlah wisman dari negara itu tahun ini bisa mencapai 210.000 orang," katanya.

Sementara untuk Thailand dan Vietnam belum dapat dipatok target dalam jumlah yang besar. "Masyarakat di Thailand khususnya memiliki tipikal yang amat berbeda yakni tidak terlampau suka bepergian," katanya.

Namun, Chrismiastutie yakin, pihaknya mampu menjaring wisman dari dua negara tersebut untuk melancong ke Indonesia. Untuk itu, pihaknya menerapkan 4 strategi pemasaran yakni berpartisipasi di bursa pariwisata, sales mission, pendukungan festival Indonesia dan mengoptimalkan Visit Indonesia Tourism Office (VITO).

Tahun ini, Kemenbudpar mengagendakan 75 kegiatan promosi di luar negeri di mana 17 kegiatan di ASEAN (18 di Asia, 15 di Amerika Serikat dan Pasifik, 13 di Eropa, dan 12 di Timur Tengah). "Pasar ASEAN ini sangat potensial apalagi sudah ada kesepakatan antara Menteri-Menteri Pariwisata di ASEAN tentang ASEAN for ASEAN. Kalau ini diimplementasikan pasti akan bagus sekali dampaknya untuk sektor pariwisata kita," katanya.

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Ragam Pesona Wisata Cirebon

MENGIKUTI jalur Pantura di pesisir laut Jawa, Anda akan sampai di sebuah kota bernama Cirebon. Kota yang mendapat julukan Kota Udang dan Kota Wali ini mempunyai berbagai objek wisata yang sayang dilewatkan saat melintasinya. Atau ingin mengkhususkan tinggal beberapa hari untuk menjelajahi berbagai objek wisata yang ada, semua terserah Anda.

Menilik ke masa lalu, coretan tinta sejarah menyebutkan bahwa Cirebon yang berdiri 2 April 1482 ketika Sunan Gunung Jati menyatakan diri lepas dari kerajaan Sunda Pajajaran, pernah menjadi pusat peradaban Islam. Dari peristiwa itu pulua, tanggal 2 April juga dirayakan sebagai hari jadi Cirebon.

Cirebon kemudian berkembang menjadi salah satu kerajaan Islam yang memiliki peranan penting dalam penyebaran Islam di Nusantara. Di kota ini pernah berdiri kerajaan Islam yang dipimpin oleh seorang wali bernama Sunan Gunung Jati atau Syarif Hidayatullah. Hingga saat ini makam Sunan Gunung Jati masih ramai dikunjungi oleh para pejiarah atau wisatawan.

Selain wisata sejarah yang berkenaan dengan Islam khususnya Sunan Gunung Jati, Cirebon juga menawarkan ragam pesona wisata, seperti wisata kuliner, wisata batik, wisata kota lama Cirebon, wisata masjid, wisata belanja, tur keliling kota Cirebon dan sentra kerajinan rotan.

Bagi Anda pecinta wisata keratin, di Cirebon ada 4 keraton yang bisa dikunjungi yakni Keraton Kasepuhan, Keraton Kanoman, Keraton Kacirebonan dan Keraton Keprabon.

Mengenai tata letak dan arsitekturnya, semua keraton memiliki arsitektur gabungan dari elemen kebudayaan Islam, Cina, dan Belanda. Sementara bangunannya selalu menghadap ke arah utara, mempunyai alun-alun, pasar dan patung macan di taman sebagai lambang Prabu Siliwangi. Pada bagian dindingnya, Anda akan melihat hiasan piring porselen asli Tiongkok dan beberapa piring yang berasal dari Eropa.

Tidak lengkap rasanya jika berkunjung ke Cirebon tanpa berkunjung ke Taman Air Sunyaragi. Taman indah ini memiliki teknologi pengaliran air yang sangat canggih pada masanya.

Selain itu ada juga tempat-tempat peninggalan bersejarah yang lain seperti Masjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa, kelenteng kuno. Bisa juga mengunjungi Taman Ade Irma Suryani, Gedung BI Cirebon, dan Stasiun Kejaksan.

Bertandang ke Cirebon juga tidak pas rasanya bila tidak mencoba berbagai makanan khas yang ada. Saat di sana, jangan lupa mencicipi nasi jamblang (nasi yang dibungkus daun jati) tahu gejrot, tahu goreng dengan taburan gula merah, usus sapi rebus, dan sup empal gentong.

Ada juga nasi lengko (nasi vegetarian dengan tahu dan tauge), tempe mendoan (tempe yang dilapisi adonan yang digoreng), dan Intip (makanan ringan manis dari beras). Lidah Anda juga harus mencicipi kerupuk mlarat atau disebut juga "kerupuk miskin," keripik yang terbuat dari tepung tapioka dan digoreng dengan pasir panas. Satu lagi yang harus Anda ialah coba sirup Tjampolay rasa pisang atau frambozen yang dibubuhi es batu.

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Wagon ride around the pedestrain bridge Kartanegara

Wagon or carriage, means of transportation by horse-drawn society is, generally only found in Java, especially in the province of Jogjakarta. However, Tenggarong City and surrounding communities do not need all the way to go to Yogyakarta, if you just want to feel this horse-drawn carriage ride. Because in Tenggarong even now there are two wagon operating in two places attractions in Tenggarong namely at the Museum and the Pedestrian Bridge Mulawarman Mahakam Kartanegara.
"The gig in Tenggarong an initiative of the Business Partner Jaya Tenggarong owner, who tried to attempt this gig in the city of Tours," said the coachman gig Tugimin when found was hung in the Pedestrian Bridge Tenggarong.
According to him, like the tourist towns in other areas, tourists will surely come if there is a lot of gig because it could be a charm, especially the local tourists. In addition to seeing existing attractions, tourists also want to look unique in an area. Because the wagon and the horse is not popular in this area, it certainly will attract tourists to come to Tenggarong, and try to ride wagon. He hopes, a gig in Tenggarong can become its own attraction for tourists to travel to Tenggarong, while also supporting Tenggarong City as the City Tour.
"Hopefully this gig, can be an attraction for the City Tour Tenggarong," please Tugimin original Solo.
According to him, in general the wagon ride is the children, they are interested in trying the same gig and curious horse. Understandably in Tenggarong no horses and usually they only see on TV. Children who ride much asked about horses, from their home to their feed. Rates go up gig, said Tugimin for adults USD 10 thousand, and the kids pull USD 5 thousand once, around the pedestrian park.
Touched maintenance of horses in Tenggarong, Tugimin said, because the existing horses come from Jogja, so maintenance is not difficult and does not need special treatment, unlike the horses that come from abroad.
"Because horses Indonesia, quick to adapt. Feed was not hard, grass and grows in Tenggarong, still fit to eat horse, "said delmannya Tugimin which operates at 16.00 until 19:00 pm each day.

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