Friday, June 10, 2011

Pendet Dance

Pendet is a dance of worship that many statements in the temple. Pendet is a declaration of a sacrifice in the form of ritual dance. Unlike dance that requires intensive training, can Pendet danced by all men and women pemangkus, women and rural girls.
Pendet Dance created by the early 70s by the artist I Nyoman Kaler, acknowledging receipt of the fall of the gods Marcapada oil. This dance is a sacrifice in the form of ritual dance. Unlike dance that requires intensive training, just learned this dance is the movement forward. The girl followed the movements of women who are taller.
Pendet conducted in groups or pairs, are presented after Rejang dance in the courtyard and temples. Usually, the sacred dancers (pelinggih) in ceremonial costume and each dancer brings sangku, pots, bowls and offers more amenities.Furthermore Pendet in Bali there are different types of dance that the girls or adult women brought to the fulfillment of a religious rite or complete.
Gradually, during the development period, the Balinese artists Pendet welcome change. Pinch flowers scattered in front of guests as an expression of welcome.However, this dance contains the rates remain sacred and religious.
Pendet like, this dance of the feminine nature because it requires the graceful movements as a dance Sanghyang Dedari, Rejang dance, and dance Sutri Gabor.Balinese dances are performed for the purpose of religious ritual dance called Wali, depict the exterior of the temple is named Balih-balihan.

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