Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bali supports national youth sports event

The Bali provincial administration will support if the national youth sports (PON) event is preceded by an exhibition in 2011 as a preparation of the second youth sports Olympiad in Nanjing, China in 2014.

The young athletes would definitely be more excited about doing exercises because there is a target, I Gusti Agung Susila said on Wednesday to respond the discourse of PON in 2013.

Bali has a lot of athletes through art students and sports events every year.

The children with a capability in their field, will be asked to obtain further guidance from professional coaches, he said.

If it is true, the ministry of youth and sports and the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) to establish the PON in 2011 as a positive effort to develop sports in our country.

Agung Susila said that PON as a fourth annual activity makes the provincial committee more eager to deal with athletes.

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