Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Indonesian Instant Noodle Confirmed OK for Consumption

Indonesian instant noodle has met the requirements, although it was rejected in Taiwan earlier this week because of its ingredients, a health official said. The Food and Drugs Monitoring Agency (BPOM) stated here on Monday that the instant noodle produced by PT. Indofood is still safe for consumption, while previously it was rejected in Taiwan as they said that the product contained nipagin (methyl p-hydroxybenzoate) as preservative.

"A product evaluation had been conducted before being sold to the public, the nipagin contents in the noodle’s soy sauce is still within the acceptable level," BPOM head Kustantinah said.
She said that the soy sauce only contains 250 milligrams per kilogram of preservatives, which was still normal for consumption. According to the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) and risk study on additives, international terms had been used in the Indonesian Health Minister Regulation no 722 of 1988.

"In noodle soy sauce, the maximum nipagin is limited to 250 milligrams per kilogram. In other food products besides meat, fish and poultry it reached 1,000 milligrams per kilogram," she said.
Canada and the US also set a maximum of nipaigin of 1,000 milligrams in food products, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam set 250 miligrams per kilogram in soy sauce products, meanwhile Hong Kong set 550 as their maximum.
"Therefore, Indonesian noodle is considered safe for consumption," she said.
The instant noodle have also been periodically evaluated in the market by BPOM, based on findings, no food were found with nipagin preservatives higher than required.

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