Friday, October 8, 2010

Grave Raja Ali Haji, Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands

Grave Raja Ali Haji (RAH) is in Indera Sakti Penyengat Island, Riau Islands. Penyengat Island is the island which is about 6 miles across town Tanjung Pinang, the capital of Riau Islands.

On the island there are several villages with heritage in the kingdom of Melayu Riau Lingga. Go to the travel distance Penyengat Island about 20 minutes from Tanjung Pinang Jetty uses a small motor boat or called pompong. pompong that will take passengers away-home.

To round the island, visitors can use a motor rickshaw (bemor). On this island, visitors will not find a car or similar vehicle.

The island’s name where the tomb of RAH shelter, Penyengat, always been associated with big names of the poet that archipelago. By the Malays, especially in the peninsula of Malacca, is regarded as a hero worthy of exalted and memorialized.

Full name is Raja Ali Raja Ali Haji al-Hajj Raja Ahmad Marium Marium al-Hajj bin Raja Haji Fisabilillah bin Opu Daeng Celak aka Engku Haji Ali Ibni Engku Haji Ahmad Riau. He was born in 1808 M/1193 H in the center of the Sultanate of Riau-Linga in Penyengat Island, Riau Islands, and died in 1873 AD on the island, too.

Penyengat Island as the birthplace of RAH has a special meaning in the formation of personality. On this island he suluruh dedicated to the public knowledge of Riau, and then spread to the entire area. It is said that before made the center of the kingdom, known as the island Jaafar frequented by fishermen or sailors who want to find clean water. At one time, while taking the water, one of them being chased by a kind of animal that have the tools sting. Since then the island by people around the island known as Jaafar. In addition, Penyengat also known as the golden island wedding. According to legend the Malays, the island was awarded the Great Sultan Sultan Mahmud, Sultan of Riau-Lingga period 1761-1812 AD, the Sultan Kasim II, as a dowry to ask for her hand.

Because service is so great, then on November 10, 2004, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono gave the title of National Hero to the RAH, at Heroes Day 10 November at the State Palace, Jakarta.

Penyengat Island which only has a width of about one kilometer long and about two to three miles there are also dozens of historic sites relics of the sovereign, whether it’s the shape of palaces, court buildings, showers, physician buildings, mosques, tombs or tomb including Raja Ali Haji alone. Various historic sites spread across the island as if strung on a continuum that describes the greatness of the history of Riau Malay kingdom.

Complex impressed Raja Ali Haji simple tomb, located at the foot of a small hill surrounded by shade trees Ambacang, mengkudu, and guava. There are several buildings in this cemetery, including a miniature mosque, domed, and with mihrab. The walls are predominantly yellow and slightly green, with round windows like a porthole. Inside the main building there are snippets “Gurindam XII”. Raja Ali Haji’s tomb itself lies outside the main building with a canopy of green roofs. The absence of walls that covered the grave as if to let the pilgrims in and see more freely. Two headstone on the grave was carefully wrapped by a yellow cloth, much like how to wrap the body when the funeral procession. Observing the details of this tomb, the observer will soon catch the writing on the tomb reads: “Raja Ali Haji, Famous, Gurindam XII”.

Actually in this complex there are many tombs of the Kings of Riau Lingga Kesulatanan coupled with the grave side Raja Ali Haji. The empress’s tomb is located in the main building, while the tomb of the king of men, like King Ahamad Shah, Raja Muda Abdullah Lord Riau-Lingga IX, and Raja Ali Haji himself outside the room. Tomb of Sultan Kasim II which symbolically is the owner of the dowry Penyengat Island of the Great Sultan Sultan Mahmud, is in the main room. In addition, there are many graves of people who have a kinship in the royal tomb complex outside the fence.

Looked grave RAH may be unique impression for visitors. The problem, though officially known as the tomb complex of Sultan Kasim II, manager of the tomb on purpose to emphasize the formal attributes of respect for Raja Ali Haji. Look, two billboards referring to the greatness of the poet: “Raja Ali Haji Pahlawan Nasional Indonesian field” and another, “Mr. Raja Ali Haji Malayo-Indonesian, historian at the Gate of XX Century”. Perhaps this is intended as a tribute to the great figures Nusantara (RAH) in planned by the Presidential Decree No. 089/TK/2004 RI as a National Hero, without denying the respect of other kings in this tomb.

If still not satisfied RAH visit the grave, visitors can go on tour in this small island. Among these are Kedaton Palace where the Sultan of Riau-Lingga last lived; Bahjah Palace residence Raja Ali Kelana, Gedung Syariah Court Judge Raja Haji Abdullah with sturdy poles like the ancient Greek buildings, House Physician, the former practice where Hang Haji Daud, the royal physician , and PerigiKunci, showers princess palace. In addition to the historical sites there are also other sites including the tomb of a lord Muda Riau IV Raja Haji Fisabilillah, Tread Printing Kingdom, Citadel Hill Chair, Embung Grave Bahjah Fatimah Hill, and Hill Penggawa. List of historical sites are recorded neat on tour catalog residents sold to the tourists when visiting the island Penyengat.

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Supported by : JavaTourism, Lintang Buana Tours

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