Friday, October 8, 2010

Cave Gong in Pacitan

Travel cave to cave Gong Pacitan, the most beautifull Cave in south east Asia.

This time were going to do Travel Adventure by enjoying most beautifull Cave in South east Asia. Goa Gong (Goa = cave, Indonesian Language) was in the lime hills that were located in the Bomo Village, District PUNUNG, around 30 Kilometer from Pacitan City. The road to Goa Goang Pacitan has been very good so as could reach by any vehicle.

Inside the cave, weve been offering cave by some amazing views. This is so beautifull, we can see stalactites and stalakmit lime stone naturally formed around the cave wall. Amazing cave views.

You do need to worry, inside the cave was available the tracing route that was made so that the safe and comfortable visitor. You can hire guide from local village to get more information about the cave history.

Gong Cave has stalagtite and stalagmite that is said become the beautiful one in South-east Asian. It has about 256 m depth, beside that it also has 5 polls; Rogo Pool, Pool Panguripan, Jiwo Pool, Pool Kamulyan, and Ralung Nisto Pool, which have magical value to heal disease. The beauty of stalagmite and stalagtite is Hardly make surprise immortalized by Selo Cengger named Earth, Cello Giri, Citro Cipto Great Selo, Bomo Pakuan Cello, Cello Adi buwono Citro, Cello Cello banks spur wind and wind.

On certain days every Friday, there is a sound of traditional music called “Jaranan” gong (traditional gong) is the hardest instrument which sound than others. Up to now, sometimes its sound still can be heard, that is why this cave is about 256 meters underground, has 12 rooms, 7 natural springs and one bath.

This cave is located about 30 km west of Pacitan precisely in Bomo village, PUNUNG district and it is easily reach with all types of vehicles about 45 minutes. This area also available some facilities, such as; souvenir shops, restaurants, parking area, Mosque, etc.

The origins of Goa Gong:

“Once upon a time, the Village Pule had a long drought, making it difficult to find drinking water and water for many daily needs. So Mbahoyo Semito, and MbahJoyo trying to find water into the cave which he considered too far from the house a population of about 400 meters. By using the traditional lighting of the torch (dried coconut leaves tied together) to spend seven belt, both grandfathers are managed through the halls of the cave to find some and is being showered in it. Event counting 65 years ago, counting backwards from the year 1995.
On these findings, a subsequent search was performed, exactly on Sunday Pon dated March 5, 1995, set off a group of eight people to explore more about the existence of the cave. Long story short the group finally managed to down a cave whose beauty can be felt until now “.

Gong cave own naming is closely related to one of the Javanese gamelan device name. It is said that at certain moments, in which there is a mountain cave is often heard the sounds like a Javanese gamelan, the show reog, flying an even often heard people crying pitifully. Therefore, people around the cave called the Cave Gong.

Therefore, before entering the cave must be considered in order cave, among others: to speak politely, mutual respect, walking through a prescribed path, each party must be accompanied by a guide. Likewise for commercial filming is not allowed except for filming the documentary, they even had to make the licensing process in advance.

The first room, the Sendang Bidadari space. In this room there is being a little cold water and clean. Beside it is the Angels, where according to a story in the room sometimes passing shadow of a beautiful woman.

Space of three and four is the crystal and marble, which is stored in the room rock crystal and marble on the sides above and beside the cave with a near-perfect quality. Entering the space of five, is a little roomy room. In this place ever made music concert four countries, namely; Indonesia, Switzerland, England and France within the framework of promoting the existence of Gua Gong abroad. Room six, is the hermitage and the last room is a stone seven gongs. Stones is that when we hit the drum, will make a sound like a gong.

Quoted From :
Supported by : JavaTourism, Lintang Buana Tours

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